Eng:923  Chin:666  Kor:666  Span:416  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:432 

Lyrics:Witness Lee
Music:Harold Green

Hymns using same tune:

#496, #656


 1  Go to collect materials for the House,

    Go to convince dear souls and bring them in;

    Bring in the very souls whom God has made,

    Bring in the souls usurped by every sin.


 2  Go to collect materials for the House,

    Go to deliver people from the world,

    From all Satanic darkness and deceit,

    From the allurements Satan has unfurled.


 3  Go to collect materials for the House,

    Go to win souls to glorify the Lord;

    Go to defeat the enemy of God,

    Go, sinners to release, with one accord.


 4  Go to collect materials for the House,

    Go, Christ proclaiming, on the Body ground;

    Go thus in oneness with the faithful saints,

    And let the trumpet of the gospel sound.