Eng:256  Chin:214  Kor:214  Span:-  Tag:256  Fra:-  Por:138 

Lyrics:Witness Lee
Music:Flora H. Cassel
Meter: with chorus

Hymns using same tune:

#1135, #1190


 1  Oh, blow upon us, Lord, while here we wait on Thee;

    Oh, blow with mighty wind and bring us liberty;

    Oh, blow till in our midst revival we shall see;

          Oh, blow upon us, Lord, we pray!


Oh, blow upon us, Lord, today!

Oh, blow all sloth and sleep away!

   Oh, may Thy wind descend,

   All our backsliding end!

Oh, blow upon us, Lord, we pray!


 2  Oh, blow with love divine and stir up our cold heart;

    Oh, blow and to our soul the breath of heav'n impart;

    Oh, blow till from each one indifference shall depart;

          Oh, blow upon us, Lord, we pray!


Oh, blow upon us, Lord, today!

Oh, blow all sloth and sleep away!

   Oh, may Thy wind descend,

   All our backsliding end!

Oh, blow upon us, Lord, we pray!


 3  Oh, blow with pow'r from heav'n our spirit to inspire;

    Oh, blow and quicken us and fill with Thy desire;

    Oh, blow till all of us be wholly set on fire;

          Oh, blow upon us, Lord, we pray!


Oh, blow upon us, Lord, today!

Oh, blow all sloth and sleep away!

   Oh, may Thy wind descend,

   All our backsliding end!

Oh, blow upon us, Lord, we pray!