Eng:1083  Chin:s225  Kor:1049  Span:45  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:42 

Meter: with chorus

This hymn has a unique tune


 1  O how nigh the Lord is unto all who call on Him!

    When we call, His very presence strengthens us within.

    Seeking Jesus, He is found, and calling, He is near —

    O what a comfort to our hearts to call His name so dear!


Jesus! O what a name!

O Lord Jesus! Life-giving name!

Name victorious, name all-glorious,

   Name exalted — O what a name!

Jesus! Strengthening name!

O Lord Jesus! Comforting name!

Name to breathe in prayer, calling everywhere,

   "O Lord Jesus!" O what a name!


 2  Call upon the name of Jesus, and you will be saved,

    O Lord Jesus, hallelujah, nevermore enslaved!

    We may take salvation's cup by calling on the Lord;

    Salvation from a host of things does His dear name afford.


Jesus! O what a name!

O Lord Jesus! Life-giving name!

Name victorious, name all-glorious,

   Name exalted — O what a name!

Jesus! Strengthening name!

O Lord Jesus! Comforting name!

Name to breathe in prayer, calling everywhere,

   "O Lord Jesus!" O what a name!


 3  To the Lord, the Jew, the Greek and everyone's the same;

    He is rich unto all men that call upon His name.

    O Lord Jesus, what a joy to call and really live;

    When breathing in Thy name, what pleasure Thou to us dost give.


Jesus! O what a name!

O Lord Jesus! Life-giving name!

Name victorious, name all-glorious,

   Name exalted — O what a name!

Jesus! Strengthening name!

O Lord Jesus! Comforting name!

Name to breathe in prayer, calling everywhere,

   "O Lord Jesus!" O what a name!


 4  In the God of our salvation we may take delight,

    Calling on His name at all times, though in bliss or blight.

    I will call upon His name as long as I shall live,

    Because He has inclined His ear, and grace so full does give.


Jesus! O what a name!

O Lord Jesus! Life-giving name!

Name victorious, name all-glorious,

   Name exalted — O what a name!

Jesus! Strengthening name!

O Lord Jesus! Comforting name!

Name to breathe in prayer, calling everywhere,

   "O Lord Jesus!" O what a name!


 5  We will call upon the Lord, who's worthy of our praise;

    Thus our grateful hearts in worship we to Him may raise.

    We are those who call upon His name in every place

    With all the saints who from a pure heart call and taste His grace.


Jesus! O what a name!

O Lord Jesus! Life-giving name!

Name victorious, name all-glorious,

   Name exalted — O what a name!

Jesus! Strengthening name!

O Lord Jesus! Comforting name!

Name to breathe in prayer, calling everywhere,

   "O Lord Jesus!" O what a name!