Eng:1025  Chin:437  Kor:437  Span:274  Tag:1025  Fra:-  Por:300 

Lyrics:Witness Lee

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Give up the world, Christ to obtain,

       He is your heart's very need;

    What else can you desire or seek?

       All things are empty indeed!


He is so rich, He is so full,

   He can fulfill all your needs!

He is so good, He is so sweet,

   All your desire He exceeds!


 2  Give up the world, Christ to obtain,

       He is the One you require;

    Once you receive this glorious Christ,

       Never the rest you'll desire.


He is so rich, He is so full,

   He can fulfill all your needs!

He is so good, He is so sweet,

   All your desire He exceeds!


 3  Though very great is all the world,

       And very small is your heart,

    Yet the great world with all its wealth

       Never can fill your small heart.


He is so rich, He is so full,

   He can fulfill all your needs!

He is so good, He is so sweet,

   All your desire He exceeds!


 4  If you have Christ, you have all joys;

       Without this Christ, only pains;

    Where there is Christ there morning is;

       Where He is not, night remains.


He is so rich, He is so full,

   He can fulfill all your needs!

He is so good, He is so sweet,

   All your desire He exceeds!