First Line & Chorus
#700."Be not anxious for the morrow,"
#701.All the way my Savior leads me;
#702.'Tis now in part I know His grace;
Chorus:Then shall I know as I am known,
#703.Precious promise God doth give thee,
Chorus:I will guide thee, I will guide thee,
#704.Though troubles assail,
#705.In some way or other the Lord will provide:
Chorus:Then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide;
#706.Sometimes a light surprises
#707.When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
Chorus:Count your blessings, name them one by one;
#708.Fresh as the dew of the morning,
Chorus:Lord of all hope, O how
#709.Jesus triumphant when the storm-clouds break,
#710.The days may yet grow darker,
#711.I know not what awaits me,
Chorus:Where He may lead I'll follow,
#712.Be still, my heart! These anxious cares
#713.Day by day, and with each passing moment,
#714.Through all the changing scenes of life,
#715.Not now, but in the coming years,
Chorus:Then trust in God through all thy days;
#716.Begone, unbelief,
#717.O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore,
Chorus:Then rejoice evermore, rejoice evermore,
#718.Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
#719.Like a river, glorious
Chorus:Stayed upon Christ Jesus,
#720.God hath not promised skies always blue,
Chorus:But God hath promised strength for the day,
#721.I'll sing of the wonderful promise
Chorus:Yes, over and over and over,
#722.The cross that He gave may be heavy,
Chorus:The cross is not greater than His grace,
#723.He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
#724.A little bird I am,
#725.Strong are the walls around me,
#726.Long plunged in sorrow, I resign
#727.Light after darkness,
#728.I have been through the valley of sorrow and weeping,
#729.Is it raining, little flower?
#730.Pressed out of measure, pressed beyond all length;
Chorus:God is my hope and God is my joy;
#731.Why should I fear the darkest hour,
#732.My Father is rich in houses and lands,
Chorus:I'm a child of the King,
#733.In Eden's garden fair we see
#734.The law of God is holy, good,
#735.The law of letters God defines,
#736.In ancient times the law of God
#737.Life eternal brings us
#738.There is a certain sense of life
#739.In those regenerated by the Lord
#740.The principle of incarnation
#741.God ordained us unto sonship,
#742.Man is a being of three parts,
#743.God created us His vessels
#744.In dealings with the Lord as life
#745.O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
#746.Lord, teach us to discern the spirit
#747.The holiest of God's temple is
#748.By the cross discern the spirit,
#749.The Spirit of the triune God
#750.God's intention is to have us
Chorus:Lord, transform us to Thine image
#751.It is not by struggling,
#752.I am the Lord that healeth thee,
#753.There is a healing branch that grows
#754.To those who fear Jehovah's name
#755.He healeth me, oh, bless His name!
Chorus:He healeth me, He healeth me!
#756.When Christ of old with healing pow'r
Chorus:O suffering one, stretch forth your hand,
#757.At even when the sun was set,
#758.Have you found the great Physician,
Chorus:He is just the same today;
#759.Just one touch as He moves along,
Chorus:Just one touch as He passes by,
#760.She only touched the hem of His garment
Chorus:Oh, touch the hem of His garment,
#761.Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,
#762.Prayer is the incense of a holy heart
#763.Christ is the Alpha of our prayers;
#764.Lord, in Thy presence silent I would be,
#765.Christian, seek not yet repose,
#766.Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray;
Chorus:Living in Thee, Lord, and Thou in me,
#767.Teach us to pray that we may cause
#768.Lord, teach us to use
#769.To the holiest place I'd come,
#770.In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace,
Chorus:Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
#771.The veil is rent and opened is
#772.Lord, we meet to seek Thy face
Chorus:Here together we would pray,
#773.Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face;
#774.From every stormy wind that blows,
#775.In the mighty Name of Jesus,
Chorus:Mighty Name! Mighty Name!
#776."Ask in faith," the Name of Jesus
#777.Say to this mountain, "Go,
#778.Keep up the song of faith,
#779.Pray with one accord in spirit,
Chorus:Pray with one accord in spirit,
#780.Praying always in the spirit,
Chorus:Praying always in the spirit,
#781.Exercise the spirit,
#782.How mysterious, O Lord,
#783.Pray to touch the throne of God,
#784.Pray to fellowship with Jesus,
Chorus:Pray to fellowship with Jesus,
#785.Praying to express the Lord,
#786.Pray to labor with the Lord,
#787.I must tell Jesus all of my trials;
Chorus:I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
#788.When thou wakest in the morning
#789.What a Friend we have in Jesus,
#790."Keep the incense burning"
#791.The priest's position holy is;
Chorus:Let us the incense burn
#792.Waiting on Thee, Lord, waiting on Thee;
#793.My soul, be silent, wait upon the Lord!
#794.Stir me, oh, stir me, Lord, I care not how,
#795.Father, let Thy kingdom come,
#796.Christ, from whom all blessings flow,
#797.Revive Thy work, O Lord!
Chorus:Revive Thy work, O Lord!
#798.Revive Thy work, dear Lord!
Chorus:Revive Thy work, dear Lord!
#799.All Scripture is the very breath of God,