First Line & Chorus
#1300.The Lord has been revealed in us,
#1301.Jesus the kingdom has come into us,
Chorus:O let Him grow, O let Him grow;
#1302.All the signs point to the end,
Chorus:Coming again, coming again,
#1303.The kingdom of God is at hand:
#1304.Christ comes quickly for His Bride,
Chorus:Be in time! Be in time!
#1305.Our faith to God-ward must in these days spread abroad.
Chorus:Our work of faith must grow exceedingly,
#1306.We love Thy coming, Lord!
#1307.The day approaches; Jesus soon is coming.
Chorus:When Jesus comes, will we go in to meet Him?
#1308.We have oil in our lamps — we are burning!
Chorus:O Lord! Amen! Hallelujah!
#1309.Who can tell how soon the Bride may hear the cry,
Chorus:We can almost see His glory in the sky;
#1310.The Lord is longing for His Bride,
#1311.The local churches are preparing for the Lord's return —
Chorus:The Christ we love is coming soon,
#1312.It may be at morn as the day we are greeting;
Chorus:O Lord Jesus, Amen!
#1313.In that bright and golden moment when the Christ we love shall come,
Chorus:What a meeting, what a meeting,
#1314.Lord, Thou wilt soon appear,
#1315.Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom's coming,
Chorus:Oh, wondrous day! Oh, glorious morning,
#1316.Our Bridegroom soon is coming
Chorus:Oh, the wedding day is coming,
#1317.When our Lord comes in glory and we're raptured to His side,
Chorus:We shall know Him! We shall know Him!
#1318.'Twas a day in early springtime,
Chorus:Oh, get ready! Evening shadows fall,
#1319.That which for long the prophets sought,
Chorus:And we're now in the final stages,
#1320.We have seen the Lord is coming
Chorus:'Tis a glorious age, the age of the ages,
#1321.The grace which God bestows on us
#1322.In spirit, in the church we see
#1323.The voice of my Beloved,
#1324.Our God is a God of purpose,
#1325.God eternal has a purpose,
#1326.What is living all about,
#1327.Once I thirsted for a fountain,
#1328.My wandering days grew increasingly empty
Chorus:For my heart tells me different
#1329.The wedding feast, the peak of man's enjoyment
Chorus:When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
#1330."All things are ready," come to the feast!
Chorus:Hear the invitation,
#1331.Just taste and see that the Lord is good;
#1332.Do you know that you were chosen
#1333.What a happy day
#1334.Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me;
#1335.Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,
#1336.What shall I give unto the Lord
#1337.When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion,
Chorus:The Lord hath done great things for us;
#1338.This is My rest forever;
#1339.Behold how good and how pleasant it is,
Chorus:It is like the precious ointment upon the head,
#1340.Therefore with joy shall ye draw water
Chorus:Call upon His name, declare His doings among the people,
#1341.Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return,
#1342.Therefore, they shall come and sing in the height of Zion,
#1343.A new commandment
#1344.Oh, the depth of the riches and the
#1345.Whenever the heart shall turn to the Lord,
#1346.Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible,
#1347.Now is come salvation and strength
#1348.Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
#1349.What miracle! What mystery!
#1350.God's eternal economy is to make man the same as He is
#1351.Christ has come to be life, the processed divine Trinity.
Chorus:As this life flows through me, I'm supplied abundantly.
#1352.God has called us for His purpose,
Chorus:Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of